Your weight numbers Don’t mean EVERYTHING… Keto Kidd

Do you ever get disappointed with the numbers on the scale? I had a realization yesterday… I had gained one pound, but my pants fell off when I put the same pair on from the day before, and my shirt was looser…. Weighing yourself only shows a piece of the transformation. I haven’t added any real work outs yet to my routine. I still just walk, occasionally do my yoga, and sometimes ride the exercise bike. BUT… I am feeling so much better. I am doing so much better AND I am loving myself so much better. This is what the other part of this change is all about…


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My Keto story… Keto Kidd

Halloween 2018 verse 2017 me.

10 months ago, I wasn’t doing good. I was doing quite bad actually. I never complained to anyone about it, but my friends knew. You ask how did they know? Lets see…I couldn’t touch the ground from a standing position…I would have to lay down to get stuff off the floor……then I had to take 2 breaks in a 1/4 mile walk on a road that was going up hill. My friends waited patiently for me to catch up. Then on the way back to the truck after we got to the top, they ran ahead to get it for me. I was 452 lbs that day…


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